Entry #12

A Christmas Miracle

23rd December 2018

It was time for the Christmas Bazaar at City Square Mall! As I was busy with my internship the past few weeks, I wasn't able to help the team out much. Thus, for the event, I had to help out as much as I could to garner sales for the event. The event was held from 21st to 23rd December. I helped out for the final two days of the event.

Sales on the first day was good and we started off the second day wanting to break the sales record of the previous day. However, things did not go as well as planned. By lunch time, we only managed to sell 4 terrariums and 4 painted terracotta pots planted with succulents. After lunch, there was not much customer traffic flow and our sales suffered. The poor traffic flow could have been because of the various events being held at other levels of City Square Mall. Before we closed off our booth for the day, we only managed to sell 1 more terrarium thus making the total number of terrariums sold on the day to be 5.

Determined to get back into form in terms of sales, we decided to set up our booth early on the final day of the event. Through this, we believed that we could start securing sales early in the morning. We managed to have smooth sales till late afternoon and we were confident that we would be able to attain a reasonable amount of sales for the day. However, it was during the evening time that we reached the peak of our sales!

A couple had decided to buy 23 terrariums from us to give to their friends for Christmas. From then on, things got quite hectic. As Cleo had to name customization for the 23 terrariums and Jia Xin and Shun Kai were busy with the packing of the terrariums, I had to serve several customers who wanted to buy our terrariums as well. After all the customization and packing of the terrariums that the couple wanted was done, we helped them to carry their purchases to the drop-off point where they took a Grab back.

Throughout the 3 days event, we managed to acquire really good sales. Personally, I felt that the Christmas Bazaar at City Square Mall was a successful event for Frond. Through it, we managed to promote our merchandise to celebrators who were a major target segment for Frond and obtained the best sales we had for the year. Although our terrariums were well received, our painted teracotta pots with succulents were not received well. Much has to be done to sell off the remaining pots that we had and prepare for the events we would participating in 2019!

Until next time, this is Shiju, signing off!