"We just need more green in our lives..."

We're a small team of 6 university students based in Singapore. It's amazing that we are able to live, work and play on an urban campus in an urban country. We're used to being surrounded by walls. Classrooms. Books. Screens. Concrete buildings. Every day.

We shouldn't be.

"... Even a little bit will do."

As much as we'd love to drop everything and escape to the nearest countryside farm to enjoy a slow life, we're all tied down by work and responsibilities and budget restraints.

So since we can't run away to become forest hermits, we decided that we would bring the forest to us instead - in the form of nostalgic memories.

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

- Pablo Picasso

Our Mission

"To bring joy to our customers by weaving memorable stories into living terrariums."

Our Vision

"Frond Memories, For Everyone."

The Team

Just 6 kids trying to make their mark on the world