Ram Entry #19

18th Feb 2019

The Terra Village event at East Coast Park was held on the 9th to 10th February.

For this event, we were more focused on exploring how receptive the people were for Do-It-Yourself Concept. Our major target segment were kids although the buying power were the parents. The location and the organizers seemed more leaned towards promoting towards the concept we were willing to try out.

Our plan for ECP event: To educate the kids on the making of terrariums from the initial stage to the final.

  • Step 1 : Let the customer (child) choose the plant of his/ her choice
  • Step 2 : Fill the base layer of the glass with gravels
  • Step 3 : Remove the plant from the original pot and place the plant into the glass ( On top of the gravel layer)
  • Step 4: After placing the plant, decide how high and where in the glass you want to position the plant.
  • Step 5: Once decided, put the soil depending on the gauged height u want to achieve. Do firmly press on the soil layer to ensure that the soil is tightly squeezed together to form the shape.
  • Step 6 : Choose the colours of your choice to design the idea or the image based on your preference
  • Step 7: We would the watering and sunlight required for the plants

I was scheduled for the second day and our team arrived there early expecting that we could be capture a few more possible sales that could be made in the morning. Our team arranged the positioned our display tables facing Starbucks and the DIY table towards the walking crowd direction. The rational was the first day team reflected that they tried various ways of position and felt it was ideal to go about with the above mentioned arrangement. Personally, I felt that it was also convenient as we were able to showcase our completed products to the adults and children viewing form Starbucks while the DIY table we ensured that the colours were the main highlight to attract the children walking in that direction.

Our first sale was really interesting as we had a kid come from Starbucks just to take a look at the figurines and decided to try out the DIY terrarium concept. With that, we decided to showcase more figurines towards the Starbucks side as we felt that it was drawing the attention of our expected audience. Overall in sunday, we had a stead flow of customers mostly kids who got their hands dirtied for making the terrariums . It was really impressive to see kids come up with great designs and some even had image of the end product of the design of the terrarium they wanted.

On the personal note, I enjoyed the session where i was educating them on doing the DIY concept and also advising them on the care guide that had to be followed by them. Most of the kids looked at their parents when they heard it has to be watered where I noticed a smile on the parents face.

I believe we profited the most in this event mainly because our competitors presentation was more tone down in comparison to our booth . That was mainly because they had shortage of people to support and they booth were mainly managed by volunteers.

In conclusion, I feel this location and the customers were very receptive and responsive towards the concept we were trying out and felt that we had to step foot into more places as such so that we could earn both popularity and a good profit.