Ram Entry #16

Chapter 16

29th January 2019


This was our most anticipated location that our team was planning to hold a booth at. The reasons were mainly based on our recce feedback and information from friends that SOTA was a vibrant and lively location. In addition, there was continuous flow of people of all age groups starting from families, friends,couples and senior citizens.

Our first concern was the plant supplier who did not have enough to provide us for the MOX Paraade event, Thus, a part of our team had to go down to Pick a Plant and choose on those that had a better quality. After realising the number of quality were not as many as expected. The back up supplier had to be our next line of approach where the team had to travel all the way to Hua Hng . Likewise , they had to pick out the better and more eye pleasing plants to bring forth to the MOX Parade event.

The second biggest question our team was facing was whether we were going to launch our next expansion line which was the DIY concept at SOTA. It was rather a difficult choice to be made at this situation as we had a number of factors to take into consideration before deciding on the execution strategy of the DIY concept. Thus our team decided to list the advantages and disadvantages in bringing about the DIY concept to MOX Parade.


    • Increase the potential customers who like to customize their own designs
    • Displaying our new expansion line
    • Reduce time in coming up with different designs for the terrariums


  • Moving crowd which may not be attracted to spending time to create their own terrariums
  • Bringing more materials such as soil, sand and tools separately which is inconvenient for transporting
  • Booking an extra table to accommodate to showcase the DIY concept

Event :

I was assigned for the first day and last day shift. Our MOX Parade started selling ready-made terrariums and a few terracotta pots, as we had a constant flow of customers from both from office and shop owners. Most of our customers were interested in knowing the plant care guiding, way the plants grow and if they propagate.

Our expansion line which was the DIY concept had a positive response among most of the youth and families who chose to spend their time to creating their own designed terrarium through our guidance. Most customers chose their figurines first and gauged how much space required for the terrarium. Based on their preferred figurines, the customers designed the terrariums so that the highlights of the terrarium is usually the colored sand and figurines.

Post -Event:

Our presence at this event was fruitful as we had a definite answer for the new expansion line which was strong yes and likewise we were able to see different walks of people who were interested and bought our products. Through this event, we were able to get the a better understanding of our target market.