Ram Entry #13

'Chapter 13'

18th December 2018


To be honest, I scored badly in art class during my secondary school. From then, art was never my subject of interest but today was something that was going to be hard but something i wanted to experiment to find exactly HOW GOOD I AM!!

I bought the terracotta pots in the morning before heading down to Cheryl's house where we gathered to paint the pots. The first step is always the tough step which was thinking of what I wanted to paint. Looking at Cleo 's design which was really artistic, I was motivated not only to think of my design but also determined to paint my own design.

So the above Mario, Blue Niight and Snowman were one of my finest designs to begin with. Although I got my hands covered in paint , I felt this experience helped to prove to myself that maybe I am not that bad painter after all. After we painted the pots, we placed a filter paper on the bottom layer of the pot and filled with gravel creating a drainage followed by filling in the soil. Once soil was filled up, we carefully chose the plants which were tall ,in good condition and suited the painted design.

We shifted all the plants and items to my house so that the next making session would be at my place for the business.Thus, we loaded up all the stuff (terrariums, materials and stocks) in the car for me to bring back home.

The next question in mind was if ANYONE is gonna buy my painted terracotta which was something I was eagerly awaiting. For that, STAY TUNED in my next City Square mall update.