Entry #1

"1st Chapter"

29th September 2018

“For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction,conflict, argument, debate.”

–Margaret Heffernan entrepreneur,Chief Executive and CEO

Today was officially the first day of our business idea that had to be pitched to Mr Roderick!!! Am I Excited ? YES!!

Prior to this day, our team was involved in idea generation where we listed all our ideas in a google drive document. Subsequently, we filtered them based on the majority of vote and feasibility of the idea in both financial and time put into it. At last, we decided on the idea of terrarium using air plants.This idea was seconded by Mr Roderick where he stressed that our designing aspect would be the key factor to our business in the terrarium concept and advised us to be open to more options other than air plants.

With that thought in mind, we traveled to Farmer's market in the aim to explore the air plants variety. On a personal note, this visit provided us with lesser insight than we anticipated for, we decided to see another nursery and invest in purchasing a succulent and air plant for experimenting its growth.

Cya in the next chapter...!Toodles!!