Jiaxin Entry #6

Things are getting real.

Today we had our first batch of mass production for our terrariums for the flea market on 17th and 18th November. We plan to make a total of 100 for the flea, with each theme having 20.

In the morning, SK and I met up at IKEA to get glasses. We were there before the store opened at 10am and rushed towards the glassware section once the shutters were up. We did some QC by checking each and every glass to ensure there are no obvious scratches. Although we had planned to split our production process into 2 weekends, we bought all the glasses needed today, so we do not have to make another trip down next week. That was a total of 17 boxes, and it was mad heavy!

Working in Process...

The transformation

We then head over to Cleo’s house for our mass production session. Since we had shortlisted 5 themes the previous time, it was much easier this time as we do not have to think of design ideas from scratch. As the succulents that we had gotten were different from those that we used, we had to think of ways to position it nicely in the glass.

We mainly made the beach themed and desert theme today. Aside from the colors, It looks quite plain to me as the figurines are not in yet. Can’t wait for the figurines to arrive to work its magic!

Fingers crossed, let’s hope our succulents will all grow well through the week with adequate sunlight and moisture.

Till the next post!

Jia Xin