Entry #3

13th October 2018

What a fulfilling day!

We registered for a terrarium workshop and attended the session today! It was an eye-opening experience for me, getting hands-on in the process of creating my first terrarium.

In summary, we first filled the jar with gravel, followed by the soil in a sloping gradient and planted the Fittonia plant in it. Then, we put in the Holland Moss, which helps to retain moisture in the jar to ensure the plants can grow in the closed jar, and lastly decorate with a figurine.

A 5-6 step process may sound easy but no… It took us more than an hour of patience and determination to get through. It wasn’t easy, especially the part where we had to plant the Fittonia in. We got to position it nicely and ensure it stays put on the spot without collapsing.

I am really impress at the end-product of my terrarium and it just makes me happy seeing it. I think the step on choosing the figurine is the most important one as each figurine serves different meaning.

For me, I chose the hedgehogs because I find them really small and cute and instantly having a liking to them when I saw it during my Japan trip in June.

After our workshop, we went to take some photos to be used for our blog.

Can’t wait to also spread the joy to others!

Signing off,

Jia Xin