Entry #5

no sleep

19th October 2018

Wow. What a week.

It's been deadlines and meetings back to back to back on super little sleep and I'm writing this on like 30% willpower and 70% coffee. Forgive me if any details are missed out coz my memory is kinda foggy.

Anyway, this past week was just us ironing out all of the kinks in our business plan. We already knew what we were going for, so it was just a matter of hashing out the details and putting everything together in an organised format.

While the others worked on their parts of the business plan, I did up the visuals and illustrations that they needed for their parts of the report as well as worked on the website and made it look good for the presentation.

Then, when they were done with their parts, I collated everything and standardised the visual layout, formatting, language use and the cohesiveness of all the parts in the final report.

Once that was done, it was just a matter of hashing out the executive summary and content page, and the report was good to go! While I worked on that, the others looked through the website and started to prepare their presentations. I then organised the pages of the "Business Plan" tab in the site to match the presentations.

That's about all I can remember - after that, it was all just about getting ready for the presentation tomorrow (and also, a major competition, just one hour after our presentation slot in the morning; omg). Updates to come!

Till the next post!
