Entry #13

18th December 2018

After just landing back in Singapore yesterday from the unexpectedly long family trip, I was totally excited to get back to the business. Today we met up at Cheryl's house and started on painting for the line of terracotta pots that we are gonna try out at the City Square event, and it was super fun to just slap paint on pots and call it art.

At the end of the day, these were the ones I felt proudest of. I really liked the sushi pots a lot more when they were stacked up though haha.

There wasn't much terrarium making to be done today as we'll be doing those tomorrow at Ram's house, so it was really therapeutic to chill out and talk about the business and talk about life.

Probably won't be this relaxed during the event though, I really wanna see all these sell. Plus, they're super heavy so carrying them back and forth is gonna be a hassle haha. I guess we'll see how it goes.

Till the next post!
