Entry #1

5th October 2018

I'm feeling pretty insightful today, so forgive me for rambling.

At today's Skype meeting, one of the agendas on the list was to decide on a name for the company. I suggested the name "frond" because it sounds pleasant, and because I loved how it rhymes and alliterates with words that have nice, positive meanings as well (frond, bond, friend, fond). I also believe that there is a greater significance behind the word itself that can be applied to our venture and our vision. In botany, a frond commonly refers to the leaf of a fern. Ferns first appeared in fossil records from around 360 million years ago, and their long history proves that they are one of the most beautiful and most resilient lifeforms on the planet. Even though they can only grow in specific conditions they can still be found in many parts of the world, and this is further proof of their strength and resilience.

A frond can also be used to identify a large, compound leaf, which is in line with my personal vision for our team dynamics. Each individual leaf on its own may be small and insignificant, but when they come together they form this larger, complex leaf that is beautiful and worthy of awe. Similarly, each of us in this team have our own unique strengths and experiences that we can bring to the table. While I will never discount the possibility of conflicts in personality or opinions, which is extremely common when working in a team and under tight deadlines, I firmly believe that our team is professional enough and mature enough to handle these in a wise manner.

With these in mind, we will have a better idea of the culture and company that we are trying to build. Although it will not be an easy journey, I know that resilience is a trait that we all have and I know that we all have the strength to face these challenges and emerge successful in the end.

Till the next post!
