Entry #6

21st October 2018

We made terrariums today at Cheryl's!

The other members of the group went to source for materials yesterday after the presentation and today in the morning, but I couldn't join them because I had my competition yesterday that ended pretty late (and I didn't sleep much the previous week) so I knocked out for a good part of the day. I only joined them after lunch, and we got down to using up all the plants bought!

It's our first ever line of terrariums, and they weren't very pretty looking but I think it's not bad for our first try. They weren't very standardised either because we were trying out different types of glasses, and plants, so we decided to streamline them to something that's more uniform and easier to handle.

The fishbowl ones (at the left/back) KILLED me because of how narrow the openings are compared to the actual base. Getting the plants to stay upright was also a challenge and the plants were super shaky so I think that's not something I want to try doing again. The glasses are a little too big, anyway, so I really doubt that's something anyone would want on their study/work table since it would take up too much space.

In the end, we chose to stick to the terrariums in the smaller IKEA glasses as those were the easiest to handle and also, they were the cutest (as you can see from the picture above!) out of all the designs. We decided that our next event would be the White Sands Market, and so we're going to start preparing for that.

Till the next post!
