31 January 2019


Cleo had managed to get us an opportunity to sponsor a College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (COHASS) day event at NTU on 29th January. Apart from that, we were also provided a free booth for the event as well. We decided to take this chance to not only promote our brand but also to test whether students would be a potential market for our terrarium business.

Event Sponsoring

As a sponsor of the event, our brand logo was included on all of the event marketing collaterals. Our brand was also promoted by each of the school clubs in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences through their respective instagram accounts. We also sponsored 2 free customised terrarium vouchers as lucky draw prizes for the event.

Brand promoted on Instagram

Terrarium vouchers as lucky draw prizes

Booth Sales

For this event, we brought in all the remaining terrariums and potted plants that we had after the MOX Parade event. As we would be catering mainly to students during COHASS day, we offered a promotion by lowering the prices of our terrariums to $12 as we felt students usually have a lower buying power.

The event only lasted a few hours and we did not manage to achieve much sales. Most of the purchases were made by professors as they were interested in keeping terrariums in their offices. As for students, they were not really receptive to our promotional price and we also noticed that not much students were keen in the concept of terrariums.

At the end of the event, we felt that students may not be the preferred customer segment for our terrarium business. However, by sponsoring the event, we managed to promote our brand to almost everyone in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences as our logo was included in all event marketing collaterals. We hope that through a further word of mouth, our brand name may reach out to a wider audience and hopefully bring in more potential customers in future.