16 February 2019


Last weekend, we participated in an event held by Terra Village at Parkland Green, East Coast Park(ECP). Prior to this event, our team decided to test out the viability of workshops. We had a discussion regarding our potential target group and concluded that in addition to creative teenagers, we should try out families as it appears to be working well from our success at MOX parade. We concluded that parents will be more receptive to workshops as it will provide a unique hands-on experience for their children.

Hence, we made a few pointers regarding our upcoming events:

    • If possible, we will participate in a workshop-only exclusive event that focuses on first-hand experience, in order to gather experience for conducting workshops before venturing to online platform.
    • The crowd available at the event venue should be mostly families who are there to relax and enjoy precious family time. With this we should be able to have a main target audience when we venture into online platforms.

With the above points in mind, we made a unanimous decision to attend the event at ECP as it coincides with our current goals. In addition, the location had a few restaurants and cafes which provides a resting stop for the crowd to replenish their energy.

On the first day, the crowd there was much lesser than expected as there were more families skating and cycling around the park. However, we managed to capture the attention of most families who are passing by. The vibrant colours of our DIY station sparked the curiousity of onlooking children, dragging their parents along with them. We then closed the deal by offering the children the opportunity to express their creativity and bring out their sense of responsibility on taking care of the plant themselves.

On the second day, the traffic was better due to a few yoga and skating classes held nearby our event venue. Our DIY table was constantly occupied, despite the expected downtime between lunch and dinner time. There were much more customers as compared to Saturday due to the increased traffic and the convenience of occupying their kids before the start of the classes.

To our surprise, one of the customers actually left a positive review on our Facebook Page!!!

It felt so good to be recognized by our customers.

At the end of the event, most of the our customers asked if we are going to be here the following week or anytime soon as they enjoyed the experience.

It was really great witnessing so many happy faces of kids making their terrarium with their mums, and they were all so excited to put their creativity to test.

We were impressed with their creative designs , and one of which was this terrarium of mother earth by a boy, which we also shared with our followers on Instagram.

All in all, it was a great experience for us as it was our first time conducting a public workshop where customers got to create their own terrariums from scratch. The sales were beyond our expectations, and have proven to us that workshops is an avenue that we can explore into in the future.