Entry #16

MOX Parade

25 - 27 January 2019

Prior to this event, we had a discussion to come up with another expansion line as hand-painted terracotta pots were not as well received as we thought it would be.

We wanted to let customers experience the making of terrariums with our guide, however we were uncertain if we should let them do the repotting of the plants themselves.

The main points of the discussions were:

  • The possibility of letting customers repotting the plants themselves. This will no doubt create a mess, which poses as a problem to us, not to mention we have a few cactus and this brings about a safety issue.
  • If they were not to repot the plants themselves, would customers actually pay extra just to design their own terrariums?
  • Will this expansion take away sales from our main product, the ready-made terrariums?

After discussion, we decided to explore the possibility of letting customers design the terrariums themselves and we will do the repotting of the plants ourselves.

On the logistics side, we have to buy additional glasses for our display sets and an additional table for our DIY station.

It turns out that our DIY station was very well received, some customers wanted to try designing their own terrariums after seeing our designs. While they were doing so, they also drew in a lot of curious eyeballs to our booth, where we actively promoted the idea of designing terrariums. Some customers who were unconfident about doing so actually bought a few of our pre-made terrariums as they felt it was not easy coming up with such good-looking designs.

Most of our customers of the DIY station were children as their parents wanted them to experience something hands-on, and we received plenty positive feedback from them.

In conclusion, i personally felt that DIY stations should be considered at event venue where the crowd is receptive of it. Therefore, recee of the event venue is a crucial part of the success of the event.