Entry #15

Katong Square Event

12 - 13 January 2019

Prior to this event, the rest of the team went for a site recee for our Katong Square Event. The reason we participated in this event, is because they were promoting a lifestyle market, and we repainted some of the pots to Peranakan style in order to suit the venue.

During the event, i felt that the crowd here were not as receptive to our products compared to the other stalls. They were more interested in the products that nearby stalls offered.

We repainted the pots into Peranakan style, hoping to grab some sales off tourists as they are unable to bring back potted plants. However, this did not work well for us and we did not get much sales for our painted pots, despite the attention we are getting from them.

Our terrariums sales was not as good as expected however we managed to sell more figurines as the children were attracted to it, hence their parents bought them to satisfy their children.

Through this event, we felt that our hand-painted pots were not getting the attractions and we do need to evaluate the reasons and improve on it. Despite the traffic flow we observed during the recee, we were unable to convert the traffic into sales and we certainly need to find out the reason behind it.