Entry #14

SOTA Recee

25th December 2018

Today, we went out together for a "Lepak" Session as we realised we didn't have any bonding sessions despite knowing each other for almost half a year. We decided to incorporate fun into work, so we went to play near SOTA and at the same time, we will recee the area for MOX Parade, which will be held at SOTA. The main idea of the recee session is to make a decision whether to get an indoor booth or outdoor booth during the event.

Based on MOX parade past event photos, we found the place where the indoor and outdoor booths are located.

The pros of the indoor booths were that it is sheltered and we will not be affect by the weather as compared to the outdoor booth.

However the traffic was not as good as we expect of a town area.

The outdoor area has much better traffic flow as compared to the indoor ones, and people often to pass by here to get to Plaza Singapura, which provided us with constant and high traffic flow.

After this recee, we decided to take up the outdoor booth despite being heavily affected by the weather. In the event of a heavy downpour, we have to cover our terrariums and we would expect almost 0 customers to come by. However, we felt that this event would turn out good for us as we identified the people here to be one of our key target market.