Jiaxin Entry #22

As we were preparing our presentation slides for the Business Showcase last week, it suddenly dawned on me on how far we have come.

6 months ago, we were just a team of clueless individuals trying to brainstorm on ideas for ET9135. We wouldn’t have expected ourselves to venture into plants since most of us were not really a plant enthusiast.

Fast-forward to today,

Frond have attended a total of 8 events! Tried out different product and services. While some succeeded and some failed, we all learnt from what worked. As the business progresses, we improved. We knew which plants are easier to take care of and got them for our terrariums. We introduced DIY concepts because we want to give our customers an option to customize their terrarium to be uniquely theirs. We went online because we know there might be a bigger group of audience out there.

It wasn’t the easiest journey, having to manage a business while schooling. Nevertheless, we made it happened and what’s left were fond memories for us all.

On to the business showcase this Wednesday!

See you there.

Jia Xin