Closing Thoughts

15th March 2019

Last July, I dragged myself out of bed at 7:30am for the first time that summer and attended my first entrepreneurship related class at NTC, completely unaware that what I was about to face was going to be the best and worst summer of my life. Daily 9 to 5 classes, followed by intense group discussions. A whole classroom of tired and sleep-deprived students trapped together for a whole month, kept going only by the drive to put forward our best work in a series of never-ending presentations and submissions (and free coffee; definitely the main source of motivation for most of us). When the classes ended and the academic year began, we grouped up and embarked on our separate ventures, ready to start something new.

On Wednesday, we finally had our business showcase and we all gathered once more since our classroom days - but for the very last time now. The entrepreneurial journey has definitely changed everyone; gone were the naive, overeager students from the NTC Freestyle Room, and in their places stood founders and owners of different business and ventures, all wizened from their experiences in the fields they have pursued since.

And now, as ET9135 comes to a bittersweet close, I have to say it's really been quite the journey. Not just in the things I've learned, no - but in all the people I've met.

I've met so many amazing, like-minded peers. So many talented people, so passionate about what they do and so eager to put a little bit more good into the world. And oh, the friendships I've made - all these wonderful people I otherwise would have never had the pleasure of meeting, and I cannot imagine what this journey would have been like without them all.

To all our instructors, mentors and lecturers - Mr. Jason Ho, Mr. Kenneth Chiam, Mr. Chin Chee Kai, Mr. Louis Chan, Mr Roderick Chia, Mr. Adrian Chye, Ms Lili Song - thank you all for your patience and guidance, without which none of us would be where we are today.

To everyone from Batch 49 - I sincerely wish you all nothing but the best, no matter what roads you choose to take and where those roads lead you.

And finally, my most heartfelt thanks goes out to my wonderful team at Frond; without each and every one of us, this venture would not have been possible. The past 6 months has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride, but the one most important thing that I've learned is that people are the most important asset to any business or team. With a good team, any failure can still become a success, and any successes and achievements, become that much sweeter. Despite all of our busy schedules and other commitments outside of MiE (of which I have too many, but you guys have kindly accommodated and have been so, so encouraging), we managed to make something of these 6 months and did something fulfilling while bringing joy to other people as well. We've had good times, and we've had bad times. But no matter how bad things get, we're always there to pick each other up and laugh it off as a team. I think I'll miss you guys the most. Even more than the free coffee. And I love free stuff. Damn.

Our original group photo from the NTC days. We're all so different now!

Jk la, love yall!!!

Till we meet again,
